


The 威康桑格 Institute is a non-profit genomics and biodata research institute based in Cambridgeshire.  Its world-leading research is helping to advance scientific understanding in critical areas such as cancer, 疟疾和糖尿病.  The institute made the largest single contribution to the gold standard sequence of the human genome in 2004, 生物医学发现的里程碑.  最近, it has played a major role in the UK’s fight against COVID-19 by tracking new variants in the country.


我们的Excel模型不够灵活, unable to manage sophisticated forecasting and invited human error stemming from manual processes. 用户很难在使用多个电子表格版本的情况下保持工作效率.


The institute standardised on a centralised platform that supports scenario planning and forecasting for its scientific platforms, 职员薪金及产业分配.


  • 集中平台节省预算和计划的时间
  • 让所有预算持有者都能使用强大的计划工具
  • 场景规划驱动更大的敏捷性


作为威康桑格研究所的商业金融主管, Allen Swann是一个25人的财务会计团队的一员, 计划和报告.  然而, over the past five years both the size of the team and the volume and complexity of processes has grown—from one annual budget cycle to quarterly forecasting.  他说,由于几个原因,在Excel中手动操作已不再可持续.

挑战的一部分是人为失误. “我们依赖于有很多公式的Excel模型.  One error in a formula meant things would go wrong, and they often did,” Swann explains.

Another issue was the inflexibility of Excel when trying to generate forecasting reports.  尽管它可以支持一些“相当聪明的报道”, the system fell down if users wanted to change underlying assumptions such as increasing pay or inflation rates.  使问题更加复杂的是, 因为团队使用存储在不同位置的多个Excel副本进行工作, 很难找到合适的电子表格和版本.

“很多人花了很多时间来处理电子表格, 一旦你把数据输入系统,它就变得不灵活了. 我们建立的电子表格世界开始摇摇欲坠, and it was no longer fit for purpose for the scale of operations and regularity of forecasts that we were delivering,斯旺认为.

“我们希望建立一个标准化流程的系统, improve control and to make sure that there was a single source of the truth where all these formulas and calculations were held.”


最后, the 威康桑格 Institute chose 工作日适应性规划 to drive greater visibility and agility in financial planning.  整个部署过程耗时6个月, 2021年2月完工, with ICit’s technical experts adding tremendous value in showing Swann and the team how to get the most out of the product.  现在桑格正在收获回报.

“他们对我们很有耐心. 他们花时间讨论每个流程, 每个模块, each piece of work in the development of each budget sheet to explain to them how it worked and what they needed to do to build this,斯旺说。. “But that time has paid off, and six months later, our people are able to do it themselves.”

The institute deployed 工作日适应性规划 in a two-phase process: first with the finance performing the budgeting processes on the new platform, 第二,邀请预算持有者自己输入数据.

预算编制过程在三个关键领域受益.  The first module is dedicated to changes to the institute’s scientific platforms: its sequencing platform, IT分析平台等系统. 这些绝对是它在基因组学前沿所做的工作的核心, so the finance team needed a way to ensure the costs of these platforms were allocated to individual science programmes in an automated and error-free manner. The second module is staff salaries: 工作日适应性规划 is integrated with 威康桑格’s HR system so it can automatically pull data on staff such as when their contracts end for more seamless forecasting.  第三是财产分配, taking all the costs of managing the institute’s estate and allocating them out to tenants using formulas and allocation metrics.


The 工作日适应性规划 solution has helped to drive much-needed visibility and transparency of financial data.

“Immediately what we got from 工作日适应性规划 was a single platform where all the data, 所有的工作, 所有的假设都存储在一个地方,斯旺解释道。. “任何人都可以进去, 看看它的工作原理, 看看这些假设,了解它们在哪里.  他们知道自己看到的是什么版本.  So many of those issues we had with spreadsheets were, essentially, immediately solved.”

The platform has also added consistency and saved users time through seamless automation.  Estate allocation was a “hugely time-consuming exercise” that may have taken a fortnight for a finance team member using Excel. “Now all those formulas are built into the system, so it’s pretty much instant,斯旺说。.

工作日适应性规划 has introduced powerful new capabilities to help drive scenario planning.

“由于国民保险费率上涨,我们最近对预算做了一些调整, and we were able to model scenarios beforehand to see what the impact of changing rates would be,斯旺解释道。. “以前, that would have been a huge exercise of redoing all our spreadsheets and changing all the staff costs, 而突然间,我们只需按一下按钮就能做到这一点.”

然而, perhaps the most significant impact in recent months has been to help the institute’s senior leaders calculate how its world-leading work tracking new COVID-19 variants will affect the institute’s finances.

“随着地面科学活动的所有这些变化, 预算几乎每天都在变化. 财务团队通过逐月重新预测来支持这一点.  我们从来没有能够这么快地做到这一点,”斯旺解释说.

“有了工作日适应性规划,我们可以更快地重新预测.  That’s something the management team hugely values because it allows them to make decisions about what they spend their money on or where they need to reallocate.  由于我们有能力进行定期的重新预测,重大决策得以做出.”


我们已经帮助英国各地的许多企业实施了一系列的财务规划 & 会计功能,由 工作日适应性规划.

我们的专家团队 工作日顾问 可以讨论您的确切业务需求吗, advise you on how to implement 工作日适应性规划 within your finance practices and also offer training to those staff who will be using the software day-to-day.


了解更多十大网博靠谱平台工作日适应性计划的好处, or ask any specific questions about how it could improve your current financial software options, 请今天与我们联系. info@icitbi.com

