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Former Microsoft Head of Technology for Partners 澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台s ARMSA Academy

Manchester-based ARMSA Academy hires former Head of Technology for Partners, James  Akrigg to develop digital innovation, h 'alt®. 

Armsa Academy has hired James Akrigg as CTO for innovative technology predicted to  revolutionise the renewable energy sector that currently suffers from a critical skills gap. 

James has previously served as the Head of Technology for Partners at Microsoft and has  collaborated with brilliant minds on AI and business transformation to shape the tech landscape.  In his new role, Akrigg is positioning newly launched h 'alt® as a solution to accelerate human  decision-making for building and operating renewable assets more safely and profitably than  ever before. 

In the most basic terms, h’alt®is a chatbot powered by Machine Learning (ML) to empower  learning and decision-making in the project lifecycle. Learning in the workflow means that users  can apply learning immediately rather than take time out of the work day for classroom training. Front-end loaded content empowers users to focus on project planning and avoiding costly mistakes.  

Proven to enhance performance and increase profitability, the h 'alt® prototype is live and is  already gaining traction with 3 teams and 75 users at the offshore wind turbine manufacturer Vestas APAC.  

Machine Learning (ML) capability enables h’alt®’ to also learn from users. Over time the digital tool builds and distributes growing organisational tacit knowledge that is critical for supporting  decision-making in complex, uncertain, and ambiguous situations.

James says “Our planet's future is dependent on the effective rollout of renewable energy projects across the globe. Driven by this imperative, we're committed to ensuring the right  knowledge and skills are readily available, amplifying the success of businesses spearheading  these initiatives. With technological advances, h’alt®’ is pioneering a shift, leveraging AI-assisted insights to enhance human performance and to transform how teams deliver sustainable  power.” 

CEO of ARMSA Academy, Rakesh Maharaj, says “We are absolutely delighted to have James  on board demanding more from h 'alt® and driving the development of an enterprise level  platform for renewable companies. With the latest round of funding, James is leading the  development of the next-gen reporting engine which will bring enhanced management insights for better organisational and project results.” 

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